Here are a couple of the most popular masterclasses, courses and 1-on-1 sessions. Click the link to go to a new page and purchase your selection.
Nutritional preparation for labour and birth masterclass and workbook
Want to learn how to nourish your body adequately and help your body prepare for a smoother transition into labour and birth?
Then this masterclass is for you.
This masterclass focuses on explaining what nutrients your body needs, what they do for your body and how they affect the way your body is preparing for labour and birth. When the body has all the elements it needs to prepare the uterus and cervix to work efficiently then labour and birth can be much smoother and even quicker than the average. Of course your baby’s position also plays a role but that is a discussion for another time.
This masterclass and workbook are designed to take the guess work out of what you need to nourish yourself adequately. To maximise your overall benefits consider ordering the 3 organic teas recommended on this page below.
Level up your pain coping skills Masterclass and Workbook
Want to learn how to expand your capacity for coping through the sensation of labour and birth?
Then this masterclass is for you.
This masterclass focuses on explaining the pain paradigm, what preparation is necessary ahead of time, information about various pain medications, different cycles from pain to coping, different breathing exercises that do work, how partners can help, alternative drug-free pain relief options and how to get information and give informed consent.
A true powerhouse to help you cope through whatever labour has in store for you.
[M]otherboard Visual Birth Plan App
Know your options. Know your resources.
[M]otherboard is the “starting place” for your parent education journey. The web is an information overload, many times with very conflicting viewpoints. You need information that talks straight to what matters to you and tells you the benefits and risks for each decision you need to make.
There’s no good/bad, black/white here. Every procedure serves a purpose, every procedure is a tool. You get to decide when and how to use those tools based on what’s going on medically and what’s important to you.
Benefits with using [M]otherboard birth plan app:
-Research, select and share birth preferences.
-Invite your birth team to collaborate on your Visual Birth Plan.
-Team sees your Birth Plan in real time, on any device.
-Download / Print your Visual Birth Plan.
-Better communication with your care team
Order your access to the app €50
1 hour session for [M]otherboard App assistance
if knowing your options is creating undue stress then consider adding a 1 hour session to go over your list of choices and concentrate on the ones that are truly important to you for your birth intentions.
Discuss what you are hoping for, what you are trying to avoid. Learn what is important versus what is a nice to have option. Get feedback from a birth professional that has helped thousands of people prepare for birth about what you can expect from the birth environment, the hospital protocols and your caregivers interaction with you.
Learn how to get information during your birth so that you can make an informed decision and then consent or refuse a treatment based on your full understanding. Being part of the decision-making process is an important step to being empowered and satisfied with your birth experience.
After this hour you will feel more confident and aware about the choices that you are making for the birth of your child.
Order your one hour session here €59