Julie Matheson
“The moment I met Rosalia I had the overwhelming desire to crawl into her arms like a child. Rosalia is naturally maternal and her strength and kindness bubble from her , along with her infectious laughter.
Throughout my two natural water births with Rosalia and Sue King I felt strong and completely capable. Rosalia knew exactly what to do and I felt protected and loved throughout the whole experience.
Rosalia is an Angel and I couldn’t be more grateful for this beautiful human that helped me with the birth of my children.
Anyone who gets to have Rosalia with them at the birth of their child is truly blessed.”
Louise Montgomery

Above all, I remember your kindness and calmness, your back rubs and for feeding me rescue remedy drops when you instinctively knew I was in need. For patiently counting contractions over and over and over again like you had all the time in the world and this was where you were meant to be in life…
For reassuring me that my other half Luis was okay when he left the room, a little overwhelmed after so little sleep and a little afraid for Sean and I.
For paying attention to the most minute detail like taking my jewelry off and putting it in a safe place when I had to go for an Emergency Caesar.
For taking the most photographs of the birth as well, and when I was a new mom and struggling with everything, for coming to my house on your own dime and time to check in with me and to make sure I was doing okay, to see if I needed help with breastfeeding or anything else!
Your caring, loving nature will take you far in life and anyone who has you in their birthing space will be lucky to have you!
Regina and Stefan Oberholzer
“Rosalia helped me to understand how to support my wife while giving birth and I really enjoyed the classes.”
“Our birth experience with Rosalia as our doula was absolutely amazing. The pre-birth classes really helped us to feel more prepared even though it was our second baby. She also helped me work through my previous bad birth experience and this really helped me go into the birth of my baby with an open heart and no stress. I will always be thankful for all the love and support I experienced with Rosalia as our doula.”
Annie Hamman
“Lia was present at my home birth as a doula in January 2012. My daughter Tallulah was born quickly and without much hassle.
Lia has a very comforting presence. She held my hand through the process and it felt as if my mother was there with me.
I would recommend to get a doula for your natural birth. They give such incredible emotional support, that cannot be overestimated. And Lia is one of the best.”
Terri Rankin Pietersen
“Even when you know what to expect, you really don’t know what to expect… first baby and is it game on or is it a false alarm? Being my first I was not always sure. So who do you call? Ghostbusters? No Lia! That’s who you call.
I was privileged to have done doula training with Lia prior to her being my actual doula and her being by my side when my husband was clueless made things so much easier for me. Her calmness and sure unwavering knowledge before and during labor was a comfort on every level. Our birth plan did not go to plan for a water birth but ended in c-section, which had been our greatest fear but thanks to Lia we had worked through that fear before the day and when it happened, even though I was scared, I was calm and knew we were in the best hands. She was a light shining at the end of the path for us and took the most amazing pictures of the arrival of our angel Peyton for us, which we are forever grateful for.
Lia has become a friend over the years and she is a very special and valuable one at that. Whether you are learning from her or receiving her never ending love, care and assistance you are in the best and most capable hands.”
Ronel Gouws

Mmamonyane Diremelo
“I met Rosalia at a time when I was pregnant and I felt lost, broken and needed to reconnect within myself. I was working in the corporate sector and felt trapped in a rat race. My first birthing experience was horrible. I didn’t know much and was given an unwanted C-section. I wanted a different birthing experience this time.
With Lia’s loving support and guidance I learnt to trust myself and to trust my body to guide me in my birthing process. Having done VBAC herself gave me the confidence that she will understand what I was going through.
My husband and I did her classes and I had one on one sessions with her also. Lia’s compassion and larger than life presence, immediately gave me comfort. It was the most amazing experience of my life when I brought forth my second healthy baby boy in the world. I cried tears of joy and gratitude.”
Ronel Els

“I met Rosalia in strange circumstances. At 26 weeks I found out the heartbreaking news that my baby was no longer alive and I chose to have a homebirth. I was not ready to let go and wanted to take the time to grieve and have my baby at home.
Our dearly departed friend and my midwife Sue King and Rosalia my doula assisted me. I never could have done it without their loving nurturing help through it. I still cherish every second of encouragement and loving arms and words and would do it again if I could choose to. Rosalia is still my very best and cherished friend and I would recommend her any time. She is a born midwife and I feel very blessed that she and Sue were with me on the path I’d chosen. Thanks Again for all that you and Sue have done to help and console me on that very Special day. Love you Lots Lia!”
Bhavisha Jina-Ranchod
‘The birth of my second son Shahil was an incredible experience. I was most fortunate to have the late Sue King as my midwife and Rosalia Pihlajasaari as my doula. I took the decision to have a natural birth for Shahil. My elder son was delivered via C – Section and it just didn’t feel right. I was also unable to breastfeed after the C – section. I felt positive from the very first time that I met Sue and Rosalia. As a doula Rosalia was present during all routine check ups from the early stages in the pregnancy. She answered questions, gave tips and cleared many doubts.
The actual birth was most empowering. Rosalia was there every step of the way. She showed me how to breathe correctly through every contraction. She gave me massages and made sure the bath water was at the right temperature. They made occasional jokes. We all laughed. The entire birth progressed very smoothly.
The after birth support from Rosalia was really great. She ensured that the baby was latched a few minutes after being born. She followed up with a home visit. She gave lots of advice on breastfeeding and baby care.
I think that doulas play a great role in supporting and empowering a mother during the birth process. With Rosalia I was in good hands.”
Samantha and Gary Kirwan
“Rosalia helped to guide us towards the birth that we most wanted. Her Birthing from Within classes were so special; providing us with a full toolbox of coping techniques – some of which I couldn’t have birthed my second child without! Not to be missed.”
“Rosalia’s caring, love, intuition and support is something that is in her innate being. She is an all round amazing spirit and we are so thankful that she was our birthing guru. We recommend her and her classes to everyone.”
Ena Du Plessis
“The late paediatrician and infant bonding advocate Dr John H. Kennell was quoted saying, “If a doula were a drug, it would be unethical not to use it.” Having experienced Rosalia’s incredible support at the birth of my second child, I fully agree. Even though the labour was painful and challenging, I did not even consider asking for medication, as Rosalia guided me through each and every contraction. She not only instructed me how to breathe – she literally breathed and grunted with me. She also saw to it that the birthing environment was exactly as I had wished that it would be. Her presence, her support, and her confidence in me played a huge part in creating an unforgettable, empowering, and healing birth experience. It was a gentle VBAC without any medical intervention – a prayer answered and a dream come true.”
Dr Nicholas Neaves in loving memory of Alicia Neaves
“Dear Lia, your warmth, skill and grace brought my girls into this world.
Your guidance and strength I will never forget.
Thank you for your ongoing friendship and love as the girls get bigger.”
Leigh Emmanuel
“Lia was like an angel sent to me. Perfectly sent and placed in my path to guide me through my first birth.
She made me believe in myself and my body!
At 40 weeks, unfortunately my midwife had to go overseas and thankfully I had Lia by my side. She kept me calm and arranged everything for me to find me a backup midwife.
The birth of our first son was the most incredible, spiritual journey I have ever had in my life. I remember the days after his birth so fondly. And how Lia came all the way out to my house (far out of her way) to help me with breastfeeding, and check our beautiful boy. Those memories will stay with me forever.
I have subsequently had two more boys after this, at which time sadly (for me) Lia had already moved to Finland. I can say for sure that no Doula can compare to Lia!
Lia, you have a gift, a god given talent and every woman that has you by their side during their births should consider herself blessed!”
Dr Siobhan Wilcox and Dr Marius De Wet
“Your involvement in both of our births was wonderful.
Lots of love and gentleness.
A sense of humour and motherliness.
I really felt completely comfortable knowing that you fully understood what I needed and you held the space for me with grace and ease.”
Janie and Ruaan Du Plessis
“When we found out we were pregnant with twins, we were ecstatic!! It was a looooong awaited dream come true…
My then gynaecologist immediately told us (at 10 weeks) that the c-section will take place at 37 weeks, because the twins will then be full term.
I was extremely upset, because I’ve always wanted a natural birth with my babies choosing their own birthday.
Our birth journey thus begun… I contacted numerous gynaecologists and birthing centres throughout Gauteng, South Africa, searching for somebody willing to take us on and giving us a chance to have a natural and non-interference pregnancy, only to be turned away, because giving birth to twins naturally is not common or normal practise due to the “apparent” high risk.
But I had a dream of having a healthy full term pregnancy (38 weeks +) with big healthy babies and a natural non-medicated water birth.
We found our dream team when I was 22 weeks pregnant! The midwife and her doula were open-minded ladies and so supportive and positive about this pregnancy, that they took us on even though we were over the halfway mark! Sue King and Rosalia were a formidable team! My husband and I went to Rosalia’s Birthing From Within antenatal classes, which were very informative.
My baby boys decided to wait until 39 weeks and 6 days, before my water broke. We were in our dream space in a huge birthing pool, chewing on ice chips which Rosalia provided non-stop.
Her constant and loving guidance were a wonderful asset, providing us with great support throughout the 14 hour+ labour.
Although we ended up with an emergency c-section, Rosalia and Sue never left our side. They cried with us and hold us both and visit us at every opportunity during our stay at Genesis Clinic.
Our boys were born at exactly 40 weeks, weighing a healthy 3580 g and 3620 g. We were truly blessed to have had such an awesome team of loving and supportive professionals!!
When I fell pregnant again with my baby girl, I immediately contacted Rosalia to find out if she will be visiting South Africa in the month my baby were due, because I didn’t want to labour without her and my midwife by our side! She sent me a text message: I would be more than happy to support you via messages in any event! Keep me posted! I am so excited!!!”
Heidi Sallinen
“Rosalia toimi doulanani odottaessani kaksosia 2018. Sain häneltä apua kipuihin, tukea ja neuvoja niin odotusaikana, synnytyksessä, että vauvojen syntymän jälkeen.Synnytys meni todella hyvin hänen ollessa kokoajan vieressä tukenani. Olen kiitollinen hänen lämpimästä ja välittävästä tavastaan toimia joka tilanteessa. Rosalialla oli paljon uutta tietoa erilaisista raskaus- ja synnytysasioista ja vankka ammattitaito! Esimerkiksi meksikolaisella robozo-liinalla tehdyt liikkeet raskausajan liitos- ja alaselkäkipuihin oli huippujuttu samoin kuin synnytyksen jälkeen tehty “closing ceremony” missä äitiä hellitään, koko keho rentoutuu ja elimistö palautuu synnytyksestä. Olen todella tyytyväinen Rosalian työskentelyyn ja voin lämpimästi suositella hänen palvelujaan.”
“Rosalia on ihana ihminen, joka tekee työtään sydämellä ja kohtelee asiakkaitaan lämmöllä. Hän kuuntelee ja on aina halukas auttamaan. Rosalian tietämys raskauteen, synnytykseen ja vauvan hoitoon liittyvistä asioista on omaa luokkaansa, hän on oikea tietopankki ja hän tietää paljon asioita, joita ei pysty kirjoista lukemaan. Rosalia käyttää työssään rebozoa, joka on miellyttävä ja luonnonmukainen apu raskausaikana. Suosittelen lämpimästi Rosalian palveluita.”
Gizella Wertheim Aymes
“Rosalia led me through the most amazing prenatal preparation before the successful vaginal birth of my son. He was a vbac water birth. I will always be grateful to her for her warmth, insight, comapssion and friendship. She is just amazing.”
Juhani Tuomas Daniel Autio
“Rosalian ansiosta opin synnytysvalmennuksen aikana ymmärtämään synnytyksen merkitystä äidille paljon paremmin. Opin hänen ohjauksella kuinka tukea vaimoani paremmin. Ensimmäisen lapsemme kohdalla ajattelimme että mennään vaan tilanteen mukaan, jälkikäteen olemme todenneet että se oli suuri virhe. Nyt Rosalian valmennuksen myötä osasimme asettaan realistisentoiveen kuinka haluaisimme synnytyksen menevän, ymmärtäen kuitenkin että kaikki on mahdollista. Saimme häneltä keinoja joiden avulla voisimme saavuttaa haluamamme. Tämän myötä toisen lapsemme synnytyksessä pystyin toimimaan ja tukemaan vaimoani, koska meillä oli selkeä päämäärä minkä eteen teimme yhdessä töitä. Eikä minun tarvinnut huolehtia kaikista yksin doulan ansiosta. Lopputuloksena lähes täysin toiveiden mukaan mennyt synnytys, jonka lopuksi sain itse omin käsin ottaa poikani vastaan tähän maailmaan.
Kaikille niille miehille jotka suhtautuvat epäilevästi doulan mukaan ottamiseen voin sanoa, niin suhtauduin minäkin. Nyt kuitenki sanon että jos koskaan ikinä saamme lisää lapsia on mukanamme synnytyksessä doula Kiitos.”
Raisa Autio
“Yksi elämäni parhaista päätöksistä oli ottaa Rosalia doulaksi odottaessamme toista lastamme. Rosalian valmennuskurssin avulla pääsin yli synnytyspelosta ja sain itseluottamusta toiseen synnytykseeni. Puolisoni pystyi Rosalian avulla olemaan entistä vahvemmin tukenani. Rosalian ammattitaidon, vahvan näkemyksen, pitkän kokemuksen, empaattisen läsnäolon ja lämpimän tuen ansiosta kuopuksemme synnytyksestä tuli vaikeuksista huolimatta eheyttävä ja voimauttava kokemus. Ilman Rosalian tietoja, taitoja ja tukea lopputulos olisi voinut olla täysin toisenlainen. Nyt minulla on synnytyskokemus, jota muistella lämmöllä.”
Jenia Vänttinen
“Rosalia oli tukemassa minua synnytyksessä ja mä en voisi kuvitella ensimmäistä synnytystä ilman häntä! Hän oli mieheni lisäksi apuna ja tukena supistusten aikana ja kunnes vauva oli syntynyt. Synnytys kesti pitkään ja kun voimaat olit ollut jo loppussa, niin Rosalian läsnäolo ja positiivisuus toivat mulle energia. Suosittelen lämpimästi hänen palvelujaan!”
Jessica Goussard
“I would highly recommend Rosalia, she was with me for the vbac with my second baby, she was with me right throughout, through my emotions for a failed vbac, that ended up in a repeat ceserean. After my baby boy was born she made sure that he was latching properly and that we were comfortable for her to leave. We also had a post partum visit after we got home. I even became a doula because of how I felt after her support, I wanted to give other families the support that she gave me. I am still in contact with her almost 6 years down the line.. ❤️”
Mariska Van Niekerk
“Rosalia was my lifesaver during the birth of both of my girls. She provided us with so much information to make the experience memorable and listened to what it was that was important to us for the birth of our daughter. She gave both of us great physical and emotional support and the postnatal care was the reason I was able to continue breastfeeding for 2 years and become the mother I needed to be. I couldn’t have embarked on this journey with her 🌷 She loves and cares with all her heart and have become a friend for life. Thank you Lia for being an awesome person and Doula 😘”
Helmi Mikaela
Vikee Rayner
“It’s hard for me to describe the value of having Rosalia with us during both pregnancies and one birth. She is a warm and gentle woman who stays close to nature and immediately made us feel at ease (and my husband is a cynic). She represented exactly the kind of energy we wanted to surround ourselves with to bring our children into the world.
During our first pregnancy, Lia took us through all kinds of exercises to mentally and physically prepare us for the birth, always encouraging us to keep our dream situation in mind and to deal with our doubts and fears and share with each other.
She was unable to be there for the first birth, but she held my hand, literally and in all other ways, for the second. It was Lia and Sue (the perfect team) who made it possible for us to realise our dream of having water births at home.
I will never forget what these two did for us. It is so important to choose birth partners you can trust and be comfortable with, and they were exactly that.
So much love and thanks to you Lia. Vikee, Ken, Olivia and Toby xxx”
Berma Choonoo
“As a first time mother, one is often apprehensive about the unknown. I didn’t know what i needed but I knew i would know when I connected with the Doula for me. Rosalia has a way about her that puts you at ease and I instinctively knew I can trust her for my journey to become a mother. She is committed to the birth journey and goes out of her way to ensure the mother is ready in every possible way for her delivery. The more I spent time with her, my anxieties dissipated and on the day of my delivery I was calm on the inside, where it really matters because she thoroughly prepared me to flow with the contractions to the point where I knew when a contraction made its first twitch and I was calm and relaxed despite the intensity of contractions. I will always love and appreciate her for making my birth experience one that I can still fondly smile about many years hence.”
Mandira Singh
“I met Rosalia in 2006 during my first pregnancy. I wanted to have a natural birth and having a doula assisted birth seemed practical. I had read about the benefits of a doula in several pregnancy magazines in South Africa.
I was also not sure what to expect particularly with the birth and delivery and my mum was not going to be there either. Rosalia was one of three Doulas that I met, but I loved her energy and the her thinking was in sync with what I wanted, we clicked instantly!
So what did my doula do…. absolutely everything. She was there to chat to, listen, give advice, attend Drs appointments. 4 D scans, she also specialized in pregnancy massages.
But the most important thing for me is that Rosalia knew what my birth plan was, I went into laboring early and didn’t get a chance to write the birth plan. She was with me from the get gonof the labour. The first being 16 hours long and gave me the courage to not give in and have an emergency C section, she whelped not through the induction, which was a harsh experience.
With my second pregnancy I had a lot of round ligament pain and Rosalia recommences a chiropractor that specialises in pregnant women and newborns.
That gave me a lot of relief. I had a difficult time with both births, I had a lot of milk come inn. The days I felt like giving up in breastfeeding, Rosalia was a call away. At the hospital she helped with lactation difficulties.
She came home after the births, I had a few massages, advice on the breastfeeding issue and just the comfort of talking to a knowledgeable and kind caring person, that was there to help me and my little one.
I would highly recommend a doula to any expectant mum, most especially Rosalia!”
Vanessa Vänskä
Rosalia is a wonderful doula that loves her work and brings sunshine everywhere she goes. From the first meeting we felt at ease with Rosalia, her hug and sparkle are almost like magic, and it was just natural to start feeling empowered and optimistic about the big events ahead of us, including delivery and Parenthood.
Rosalia coached my husband and me to bring our baby girl to our arms as a team. She gave us up to date information and education, she practiced pain coping techniques with us and provided us with many tools to prepare for different possible delivering scenarios.
Rosalia was available for me as much as she promised, and she encorauraged me to contact her any time. We WhatsApp each other and even video call if needed.
I had the gift of having Rosalia to support me from the first contraction, through the different stages of our natural delivery and all the way after delivery, learning how to breastfeed. She took care of keeping us hydrated, she carried our belongings in the hospital, she helped me cope with pain, she took amazing photos of our baby crawling to the breast, she stayed by my side in the hardest moments of the delivery and she believed in me.
Rosalia became our friend, and I can’t wait to get pregnant again and have her as our doula again!
Cassie Janisch

She helped me to better know myself and to be my most powerful and present self in birthing my children.
I highly recommend her.”
Maija ja Nico Judén
“Tutustuimme Rosaliaan ennen raskautta Aktiivinen synnytys ry:n keskusteluilloissa. Hän teki vaikutuksen ammattitaidollansa ja lämpimällä olemuksellansa. Tuntui luontevalta pyytää häntä doulaksi toisen lapsemme syntymään. Ensimmäinen synnytyskokemukseni ei ollut ihan sellainen kuin olisimme toivoneet ja halusimme toisen lapsemme raskausaikaan ja synnytykseen parempaa tukea. Tapasimme häntä tiiviisti kun laskettu aika lähestyi, saimme opastusta mm. Spinning babies harjoituksiin ja keskustelimme paljon synnytyksestä. Synnytyksen käynnistyessä hänen läsnäolonsa auttoi luottamaan synnytyksen luonnolliseen kulkuun ja saimme paljon käytännön apua synnytyksen edetessä. Kaikki meni ihanasti ja synnytys oli voimaannuttava ja ikimuistoinen kokemus. Saimme myös ihania kuvia synnytyksestä ja lapsemme ensihetkistä.
Kun kolmas lapsemme ilmoitti tulostaan niin meille oli itsestään selvää että haluaisimme Rosalian uudelleen tueksi tälle matkalle. Raskausaika oli vaikeaa, mutta hän oli siinäkin tukena. Synnytys meni taas kerran ihanasti. Olemme todella iloisia että olemme saaneet Rosalian ystäväksi ja tueksi elämämme tärkeimpiin hetkiin ja myös vauva-ajan haasteisiin.”
Sara and Granville Klaassen

“Ensimmäisestä tapaamisesta asti oli todella turvallinen ja levollinen olo. Rosalialla on sellainen vaikutus. Hän on ollut koko perheen tukena uuden jäsenen tuloon valmistautumisessa ja auttoi minua uskomaan itseeni ja kehooni synnyttäjänä. Sain todella ihanan luonnollisen synnytyskokenuksen tietäen kuitenkin, että mitä tahansa olisi tapahtunut minulla on rautaisen ammattilaisen tuki tehdä aina seuraavaksi paras ratkaisu minun ja vauvan parhaaksi. Jos ikinä tulen vielä uudelleen raskaaksi, hän on ensimmäinen kenelle lähtee viesti. <3”
Emma and Peter King

“We contacted Rosalia as I had had a traumatic first birth experience and I was extremely scared and worried about my upcoming labour. Her support, wisdom and genuine care for us lasted from the moment we first met to this day when our baby is already a toddler!
She was incredibly helpful with anything we asked, from nutrition while pregnant to breastfeeding help. I went from having panic attacks even thinking about labour to fear free months in advance of giving birth. I honestly recommend her as a doula from the bottom of my heart! You’ll gain a lifelong friend. (Also the midwives and doctors in Espoo hospital were very happy we had a doula and welcomed her open hearted)”
Jussi Perkiö
“Vaimoni kanssa päädyimme palkkaamaan Doulan,
Rosalia oli meille pelastava enkeli. Taustalla huono synnytyskokemus, nimenomaan sairaalahenkilokunnan puolesta. Oltiin täysin oman synnytyksemme matkustajia, aivan kuin ulkopuolisia. Vaimollani kesti vuosia toipua siitä. Toisin oli Rosalian kanssa. Saimme hänet avuksemme noin kuukausi ennen laskettua aikaa. Se, miten hän otti meidät omakseen, kuinka saimme henkistä ja fyysistä tukea koko loppuajan, oli meille pelastus. Se miten valmiita olimme synnytykseen kun aika tuli. Nimenomaan oikea aika. Kolmistaan hoidimme lähes loppuun asti, kunnes vaadittiin kätilöt yms., jotka antoivat meille hienosti tilaa olla kolmistaan, lähinnä olivat tyytyväisiä, kuinka hyvin valmistautuneina olimme paikalla. Kokemusta kuvastaa parhaiten vaimoni kommentti, kun vauva sylissä siirrettiin toiseen huoneeseen: tehdään lisää vauvoja! Ollaan suositeltu Doulan hankkimista muillekin. Itsellämme, jos vielä suodaan lisää, ei ole epäselvyyttä, haluammeko Doulan ja kenet. Tällä kertaa vain aiemmin, jotta matka on vielä mieluisampi. Kiitos rakas Rosalia, itseni ja vaimoni puolesta.”
Elena Mayans-Umbert

“After a preterm traumatic birth with my first son, I had no doubt that I needed a doula for my second pregnancy. After my first son’s birth, I needed therapy for PTSD, and during the second pregnancy, I suffered perinatal OCD. So it was vital to find a doula that made me feel safe and heard. We found Rosalia through a friend of mine and during the first online interview I was sure she was the chosen one. Her warmth, her sweetness, her empathy, and her knowledge felt like a mother´s hug, even tho the interview was online. After the first home visit, I knew that with her by my side everything would be ok. She listened patiently and with all his body and mind to all my fears and worries, validated every single one of them, and made me feel strong, powerful, and safe. During the 12h course, she gave me the information and the tools needed to overcome or cope with my fears and taught my husband how to help me navigate my feelings and support me during labor. I loved the fact that she was also taking care of him and his feelings. The pain relief techniques and the spinning babies exercises were a life-saver and helped me to have the unmedicated birth I wished. When I thought I wasn´t able to cope with the intensity of labor anymore, she reminded me of my birth wishes and how strong I was. She didn’t push me to any decision, she just gave me the strength I needed to achieve the birth I wished to have by trusting me and being there for me. She gave me space to make my own informed choices. We had a quick, smooth, full of roaring, beautiful birth that helped me finally heal my wounds from my first son’s birth.
My family and I will be forever grateful, and we will never forget her. Never. I won’t have more kids, but if I were, I would definetely want to have Rosalia by my side again,. I can’t recommend her enough.
We love her.”
Maija ja Nico Judén
“Tutustuimme Rosaliaan ennen raskautta Aktiivinen synnytys ry:n keskusteluilloissa. Hän teki vaikutuksen ammattitaidollansa ja lämpimällä olemuksellansa. Tuntui luontevalta pyytää häntä doulaksi toisen lapsemme syntymään. Ensimmäinen synnytyskokemukseni ei ollut ihan sellainen kuin olisimme toivoneet ja halusimme toisen lapsemme raskausaikaan ja synnytykseen parempaa tukea. Tapasimme häntä tiiviisti kun laskettu aika lähestyi, saimme opastusta mm. Spinning babies harjoituksiin ja keskustelimme paljon synnytyksestä. Synnytyksen käynnistyessä hänen läsnäolonsa auttoi luottamaan synnytyksen luonnolliseen kulkuun ja saimme paljon käytännön apua synnytyksen edetessä. Kaikki meni ihanasti ja synnytys oli voimaannuttava ja ikimuistoinen kokemus. Saimme myös ihania kuvia synnytyksestä ja lapsemme ensihetkistä.
Kun kolmas lapsemme ilmoitti tulostaan niin meille oli itsestään selvää että haluaisimme Rosalian uudelleen tueksi tälle matkalle. Raskausaika oli vaikeaa, mutta hän oli siinäkin tukena. Synnytys meni taas kerran ihanasti. Olemme todella iloisia että olemme saaneet Rosalian ystäväksi ja tueksi elämämme tärkeimpiin hetkiin ja myös vauva-ajan haasteisiin.”
“I can never thank Rosalia enough for being there for me in so many ways during my pregnancy and the labor. From the first time I talked to Rosalia over the phone, I had a strong feeling that I could trust her and she would be the right doula for me. This feeling only grew stronger each time we met. Rosalia was always only a phone call or a message away whenever I had something I was worried about wanted to check with her. We not only talked about the upcoming labor but about parenthood, fears and worries too. I believe I was supposed to meet Rosalia particularly for this birth and with her help I was able to have an healing experience. I truly felt Rosalia cared about me and my baby, she made me feel safe. I only regret not getting in contact with Rosalia earlier in my pregnancy!”
Krista Tonttila-Laakso

“My first birth was a traumatic experience for me and I decided that if I ever get pregnant again I want a doula with me. Me and my husband met Rosalia very early in my second pregnancy so we got to know each other well before the actual birth. I had many fears and struggles during my pregnancy but she was always able to help me find new ways of thinking and I found her company and our discussions so comforting and reassuring. She has so much wisdom in her heart.
The birth itself didn’t exactly go as I had hoped for but because of good preparation and continuos support during labour I was able to have a positive birth experience and feel empowered in the circumstances given. Thank you Rosalia ❤️”
Abha Hurri
“Just wanted to say a massive thank you for your help with my delivery. I can’t recommend your services enough.
From the beginning you were very open with your own experience, and understanding of my difficulties with ‘letting go’. You listened to my story about my first birth experience. Your recommendation regarding the osteopath was excellent, and I did not suffer a recurrence of my whiplash pain as I did with my first birth.
Also, your openmindedness, and clear understanding and respect for my feelings helped me to communicate better with hospital staff. I was trying for a VBAC. Your support when it all got too much was pivotal, despite you believing also that I could do it (thank you), you also supported my decision to opt for a caesarean. I was unable to keep going and succeed at the VBAC, requesting a caesarean the day after I had contractions throughout the night and morning.
I felt guilty for a while after the birth but your continuing support afterwards, particularly your clear evaluation of the circumstances of my decision, made me steer away from feelings of failure. I had had contractions which were very close together throughout the night and morning, but things just slowed down for the rest of the day. By the following morning, I was exhausted and unable to cope with much more.
When I started down that dangerous road of questioning myself, judging myself to be a quitter/ failure, you reminded me that I had tried. I had endured hours of contractions; it had been utterly exhausting and my decision (that I would be so drained mentally and physically from the effort that I would not be joyful about the birth of my son) was the right for me. Otherwise I could have ended up a broken person. I had a pretty difficult birth the first time which left me with bonding issues with my daughter, and I did not want to risk the same happening again.
I felt you empowered me to give it my all, and to embrace my experience as it was, all the while accepting my own limitations. You acknowledged my brave effort and taught me to do so. You are a very wise woman! Thank you – if I have another I want you there again!x x x”
Anca Agapi

“Rosalia was our rock during my pregnancy and labor. Since the moment we met I was impressed with her warmth, knowledge and expertise.
Since this was my first pregnancy, I didn’t know what to expect and I was overwhelmed by all the information out there. Rosalia walked us through all the steps we needed to take and everything we needed to know in order to prepare for a positive birth experience. Not only did she help us with information about the whole process, but she also helped me prepare my body to welcome our baby through daily exercises and a proper diet. She also involved my husband and helped him prepare mentally for what was to come so he could feel strong and helpful before and during labor.
During pregnancy, Rosalia was always there for us with advice and, during our meetings, she was with us 100%, actively listening to our needs and wishes and helping us get over our fears.
During labor. Rosalia was the best support we could hope for and we don’t know how we would have made it without her, from practical arrangements in the hospital to mental support. She knew exactly how to keep me focused, she knew what words to say. Many times it felt like she was reading my mind and, without me saying or asking anything, she would already know what to do to comfort me.
Thanks to her I had an amazing birth experience and, looking back at those moments, I wish I could to relive them, with all the anxiety, happiness, shivers and joy.
For us Rosalia became more than a doula. She became our friend, our rock, our therapist, our coach. And I can only hope she will be there for our future babies. :)”
Lempi Luomo
“Rosalian doulapalvelu oli raskausaikani tärkein ja paras investointi. Rosalia antoi tärkeän tuen alusta loppuun ja myös vauvan syntymän jälkeen. Rosalian kanssa on aina ollut helppoa hoitaa asioita ja olen tuntenut oloni hyväksi ja turvalliseksi. Hyötyä on ollut myös siitä suuresta määrästä tietoa mitä olen häneltä saanut. Kiitos kaikesta Rosalia!”
Kristina and Robert Bartkeviciene-Madaras
“We are extremely grateful to have Rosalia in our life. From the first day that we met her it felt like she is our loving mother and dear friend. She understood our needs and supported us in every way.
She was holding my hand when I needed most and was breathing together to help during painful contractions.
We both trusted her fully and have been blessed with her wisdom, intuition and love. ”
Linou and JC
“Rosalia is an amazing human being and doula. She guided us through the pregnancy and birth of our little one with patience, warmth and professionalism. She made my partner feel like he was fully included and helped him especially during the birth at the hospital, where he managed to take his space and role as the future father and my number one support. He often jokes saying we hired a doula to help him cope with the experience of pregnancy and birth because it was so hard for him 😉 Thanks to Rosalia, we came fully informed and educated to the day when our baby was born. She was my voice when I couldn’t have one (because, you know, contractions), and was also of great help after the birth. Meeting her and going on this birth preparation journey with her was a life-changing experience and I wouldn’t have done it with anyone else.”
Harriet Endean and Sami Reinikainen

“Rosalia was like a fairy godmother for our pregnancy and birth. She was a reassuring presence during pregnancy, labour, and the early weeks with our newborn. And I am confident that the things she gave and taught me helped our birth to be smooth, easy and full of joy.
My partner and I met Rosalia at 20 weeks and she turned up with a whole toolkit of things to help us prepare for the birth together. She shared content with us to inspire and educate, and really opened my eyes to what birth could be.
She guided me through the right nutrition for pregnancy and postpartum, and helped us encourage baby into a good position together with spinning babies techniques and the use of a beautiful Mexican rebozo scarf.
She took time to get to know us, including our toddler and understand what was important for us for the birth. The time she spent getting to know me was so worthwhile. When the birth was imminent she knew what I really wanted and helped me make informed choices based on my wishes and priorities. She drove to our house in the early hours of the morning and helped me to rest and nap when there was still time at the beginning of labour.
She helped me to feel wonderful, courageous, and confident. Even in the Finnish hospital environment! She showered us with love during that most precious time after the birth. She made us know that she was there for us and our baby, and that felt invaluable. Thank you Rosalia ❤️”
Galyna Andrieieiva

“Dear Rosalia, now when 1,5 months passed after giving birth, I would like to say THANK YOU for all your support and care!
It is such a blessing to meet you during my pregnancy! I felt so lonely and unconfident being pregnant in Finland and not knowing anyone in this field. Accidentally I saw your profile in internet among other doulas and immediately felt that you are “MY PERSON”. Thank you for all your recommendations of specialist – they are the best! Thank you for hours of our talks and spiritual work – they are priceless. Thank you for giving me a feeling of being under support and protection of Mother Earth! I felt that the best version of Mother is always nearby and everything will be as it should be. Your energy is so wise and careful. You do and say as much as needed – not more, not less. Thank you for your positive attitude to life and people. Thank you for sharing your huge experience. And of course thank you for all the birth process. You’ve found the best midwifes ever and all of you worked like a great team welcoming a new life to this world. I felt giving birth like a celebration of Life itself! Sorry for biting you 😅 Thank you for treating me like a small child after birth! Thank you for all that magic art pieces and medicine that you did for my baby and me. Thank you that I can call you anytime knowing that you will give me your wise advice! Dear Rosalia, thank you for this amazing spiritual Trip together and for all the beautiful things which are going to happen with us in the future. Love you, Galyna”
Minttu Hautalampi
“Tiemme kohtasivat sattumalta mutta saamamme tuki oli meidän perheelle enemmän kuin osasimme odottaa. Olit lämmin ja kuunteleva.
Otit meidät huomioon perheenä ja ennenkaikkea vastasit raskauden aikana, synnytyksessä ja synnytyksen jälkeen kaikkiin kysymyksiin joita meillä oli. Äitinä koin merkitykselliseksi ravitsemustietämyksesi. Jaoit osaamistasi lämmöllä ja pehmeydellä. Osasit huomioida äidin tarpeet ja rohkaista puolisoa. Kannustit ja rohkaisit.
Yllättävän kotisynnytyksen aikana otit tilanteen haltuun ammattitaidolla ja rauhallisuudella. Annoit tilaa meille olla sellaisia kun olemme. Opetit hengittämään ja päästämään irti turhista paineista.
Autoit meidät yli edellisen synnytyksen aiheuttamasta traumasta. Annoit työkaluja ja keinoja olla parempi äiti esikoiselle synnytystrauman jälkeen.Vahvistit uskoani synnyttäjänä ja äitinä. Kuuntelit ja rohkaisit.
Saimme tietoa imetyksestä ja synnytyksen jälkeisestä palautumisesta.
Erityisen kiitollisia olemme kaikesta tiedosta ja käytännön taidoista joita meille annoit ja lempeästä kohtaamisesta luonnollisen synnytyksen aikana.
Rosalia sinä olet erityinen! Kiitos kun olet juuri sinä! “
Minttu perheineen
Swati Choudhary and Mayank Khandelwal
“Having Rosalia as our birth doula was the best decision that we made and I’m grateful for that. She was amazing from start to finish. She prepared me for what to expect during labor and delivery. She worked with my fears and educated me on how to cope with them. She helped me create a birth plan that reflected my wishes and values. She was always available to answer my questions and calm me. During labor, she was by my side, providing me with physical and emotional support. She helped me with breathing techniques, massage, aromatherapy, and affirmations. She also supported my husband by giving him tips on how to help me and taking care of his needs as well. She made us feel like a team. Thanks to her, I had a positive and empowering birth experience.”
Anna Lekanova Neverovas
“Rosalia was our doula for Neo’s birth. We didn’t know what doula is , but needed a support before and during birth more than the government can offer which is just a hospital help. Having Rosalia as a doula was our best decision: she brought so much love and care to the whole process of pregnancy, she also brought her tremendous knowledge of how to prepare for such an important day of your life. She walked us through the theory of giving birth with her amazing classes. You cannot learn it in the classes that government provides.
There she explained the variety of choices we had, options, risks and possible consequences for each decision during giving birth. She developed a nutrition plan for me, which helped to prepare the body for giving birth. On the delivery day Rosalia was so supportive, I felt taken care of, I felt support, so did my husband as it was our first baby and we knew nothing about how it goes. With Rosalia we felt safe, secure, and most of all calm!
She helped all the way through the delivery on every single step.
I have a beautiful water birth without needing for any medications and it’s all because she was there and I was sure that everything will be all right, we’re backed up by tons of expertise she has.
After the birth Rosalia also supported me which was super important to get baby to latch well, all breastfeeding went well because of her. She is a rare find: highly experienced professional who loves and enjoys what she is doing, and you will see it in every interaction you have with her. I can sincerely recommend her as your doula without any doubt!”
Nancy Ana
“Meeting Rosalia felt like a wish come true moment. I got to learn that birthing your baby shouldn’t be an event that happens to you but one in which you actively execute yours wishes and plans to allow for the best possible outcome. After a traumatic previous birth experience, I could not imagine a peaceful, humane and mindfully aware birth. Rosalia’s angelic and positive spirit reassured me from the start that I was in safe hands but also that I was in control of how I wished the birth of my baby would go while staying aware that if things took a darker turn, as they do sometimes in life, I wouldn’t be alone. It was inspiring to see in practice the knowledge, support and love I was empowered with with every contraction that finally led to the birth of my lovely baby. An experience that completely replaced a tramautic birth experience. Rosalia, I’m forever grateful! Thank you! <3”
Mélanie & Naïck
“At first skeptical, I agreed to meet Rosalia for my wife, who was fearful of hospital birth and wanted additional support during the birth of our first baby. However, she provided way more than we thought, and we owe our wonderful birth experience greatly to her. We consider hiring her the best decision we made regarding the birth of our baby, and hope that we’ll have the privilege to have her with us if we have another child. She was present every step of the way, through the pregnancy, through the birth but also postpartum. She taught me everything I needed to know and even more to help me support my wife through the birth process. Having her with us allowed us to be calm and confident during the birth. Her help in early postpartum was also inestimable: giving guidance on breastfeeding and greatly useful tips on recovery.
She paved the way of our positive birth and went through it with us, allowing us to become the confident and happy parents that we are today.”